Circen Technologies Private Limited
Karthik Enterprises from , , India is Wholesaler of . Karthik Enterprises is established in year 2001 and currently having more than Upto 10 employees. K Shiva Kumar Kondra is CEO of Karthik Enterprises. You can contact Karthik Enterprises by sending an email on or directly send an enquiry here.
Nature of Business | Wholesaler |
Additional Business |
Company CEO | K Shiva Kumar Kondra |
Total Number of Employees | Upto 10 People |
Year of Establishment | 2001 |
Legal Status of Firm | Individual - Proprietor |
Annual Turnover | Upto Rs. 50 Lakh |
GST No. | 36AJPPK1959A1Z6 |
Payment Mode |
Shipment Mode | By Air |
Product Name | Approx Price | Latest Price |
Jcb Hydraulic Pump | 21000.00/No | Get Latest Price |
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Jaipur, Rajasthan