Nem Kumar Jain & Sons Manufacturer

Rating: 5.0

Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 110028

  • Rakesh Jain
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About Us

Nem Kumar Jain & Sons from Gurgaon, Haryana, India is Manufacturer of Stainless Steel Roofing Sheets. Nem Kumar Jain & Sons is established in year 1972 and currently having more than Upto 10 People employees. Mr. Rakesh Jain is Owner of Nem Kumar Jain & Sons. You can contact Nem Kumar Jain & Sons by sending an email on or directly send an enquiry here.

Company Facts

Business NameNem Kumar Jain & Sons
Registered AddressZ 4, Loha Mandi, Naraina
Total Number of EmployeesMore than

Our Products

Trapezoidal Profile Sheets
Nem Kumar Jain & Sons from New Delhi


65.00 63

per Kilogram(s)

Metro Sheets Roofing
Nem Kumar Jain & Sons from New Delhi


65.00 63

per Kilogram

Color Coated Galvalume Sheet
Nem Kumar Jain & Sons from New Delhi


65.00 63

per Kilogram

Nem Kumar Jain & Sons Price List

Product Name Approx Price Latest Price
Trapezoidal Profile Sheets 65.00/Kilogram(s) Get Latest Price
Metro Sheets Roofing 65.00/Kilogram Get Latest Price
Color Coated Galvalume Sheet 65.00/Kilogram Get Latest Price

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