Vinayaga Poly Pack Manufacturer

Rating: 5.0

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 601301

  • Kumar
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About Us

Vinayaga Poly Pack from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India is Manufacturer of Foam Molds. Vinayaga Poly Pack is established in year 2021 and currently having more than Upto 10 People employees. Mr. Kumar is Owner of Vinayaga Poly Pack. You can contact Vinayaga Poly Pack by sending an email on or directly send an enquiry here.

Company Facts

Business NameVinayaga Poly Pack
Registered AddressPlot No. 46, Asha Nagar Main Road Padappai Chennei
Total Number of EmployeesMore than

Our Products

Epe Foam Moulds
Vinayaga Poly Pack from Padappai

Epe Foam Moulds .

230.00 225

per kg


Vinayaga Poly Pack Price List

Product Name Approx Price Latest Price
Epe Foam Moulds 230.00/kg Get Latest Price

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